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Қойылған сұрақтар: 24
Жаңа сұрақтар: 0
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өздігінен білім алу - 134
Дауыс бергендер саны: 1207
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Lesson Plan for English as a Foreign Language by Rizagul Syzdykbayeva
05-01-2015 06:34

Theme:What should we do?


Date:  April 2015

Textbook: Messages 2. Cambridge University Press. Unit 11 step 3 p. 120

Aims of the lesson:

-          Educational: learn more about the modals may, can, will and shall. Students will learn how to recognize and use the different forms of may, can, will and shall in the present and past tenses and be able to master some of the most recurrent words in the English language through the following texts, grammatical explanations, and exercises

-          Developing: develop students’ listening, writing and reading skills.

-          Upbringing: stimulate the interest to the English language subject. Nurture love and respect to foreign culture.

Type of the lesson: new lesson.

Methods of teaching: communicative, direct method, interactive method using ICT, dialogue teaching

Visual aids: interactive board, poster, post-it notes, worksheet, rewarding sticker, textbook ‘Messages2’ Cambridge press, class CD

Material: video, power point presentation, digital educational resource # 1233 from e.edu.kz.

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian 


Lesson Procedure


Lesson Phase by Bloom taxonomy

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity




 (40 min)


- Good morning, dear students! Since this is the first time, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Rizagul Serikovna. Today I’ll teach you some English. I hope you’ll enjoy the lesson. Good luck! 


Ice- breaking

Write 3 true and 1 false information about herself. True: I am also an interpreter; I have a friend called Fiona; I’ve got one brother. False: I’ve got a dog.  

Play a small ‘ice- breaking’ game. Guess the answer



2 min


1. Divide into three groups: can, must, should. 

2.Define aims of the lesson, give students envelopes with the aim of the lesson: sentences are cut into pieces

1.Take a card with the picture, find your group

2.Make a sentence.

3. Define the theme and aims of the lesson


New methods of teaching

Cards with the picture that can imply ability, obligation, advice;

Power point presentation; envelope

3 min


Play an animation (video).

1. Watch an animation.

2. Fill in the gaps. Put must/ can/should.

1.She …  drive a lorry  

3.Look at the snow; it be cold outside.

9.If you want to pass English, you study hard.


Animation from DER (ЦОР)# 1276;  slide


5 min


 Check, explain, ask questions.

On poster three groups: ‘can’, ‘must’, ‘should’ complete the rules, do the task

1. Every group works on make their poster.


New methods of teaching

Poster, markers

5 min


Observe, correct, encourage them to speak.

 2. Speaker stays, other students move to the next group, listen, leave a note ‘two stars and one wish’.



5 min


 What’s happening in the picture?

St. book p. 120 ex. 2a.

Look at the scene from Lord of the Flies and listen to the questions. Listen and check. 


New methods of teaching

Textbook; Class CD.   

5  min


‘Jeopardy’ intellectual game.

Play the game; choose a category and price of the question and answer it.  

New methods of teaching; ICT

Power point presentation

6 min


Correct, comment.

Speaking. Use what you know.


Make a dialogue in pairs, act it out, use modal verbs ‘should, can, must’.

 Imagine that:

1. Your friend caught cold. Give him/her some advice.

2. It’s your friend’s birthday tomorrow.

3. Your friend has lost his/her wallet.


Dialogue teaching


5 min

Feed back

Get feedback

“I knew” ‘now I know’, ‘I thought differently’, ‘I don’t understand’




2 min



Self-assessment using criteria


Assessment sheet

1 min

Home work

 Learn new vocabulary





Assessment sheet

Name                                                                                                     TOTAL

Criteria /Points

Group work Making a poster


Modal verbs






No participation

Can’t use at all

All my answers wrong

Don’t understand at all


Vocabulary is poor


Inactive participation

Understand  almost nothing

Most my answers wrong

Understand almost nothing


Vocabulary is weak


Sometimes participated

Almost understand

Half answers wrong

Understand partly


Vocabulary is not bad


Active participation


Most answers right

Understand almost everything


Vocabulary is good


Very Active participation

Fully understand

All answers right

Understand everything


Vocabulary is very good